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قطعات دیزل ژنراتورمیتسوبیشی پیشرو یدک

قطعات دیزل ژنراتورمیتسوبیشی پیشرو یدک

قطعات دیزل میتسوبیشی

فروش قطعات دیزل میتسوبیشی در ایران
پیشرو یدک با بیش از دو دهه سابقه در عرضه دیزل ژنراتور و قطعات مربوطه درجامعه
صنعتی ایران بر خود می بالد که توانسته است گامی هرچند کوچک در پیشرفت
جامعه صنعتی کشور برداشته و به عنوان مجموعه ای معتبر در میان مدیران
عالی رتبه صنعتی جامعه شناخته شود .
بدیهی است یکی از اصلی ترین علت های این توفیق کیفیت بالای
محصولات(دیزل ژنراتور.قطعات) ارائه شده توسط پیشرو یدک در طی
سالیان گذشته بوده است. ارائه تکنولوژی روز ، قیمت مناسب ،
شرایط پرداخت آسان و سرویس دهی مرتب از دیگرراهکارهایی بوده است
که پیشرو یدک بر اساس آنها توانسته است سهم به سزایی از بازار
را به محصولات خود اختصاص دهد.

Listing ID Engine Make Model Number Condition Cyls Country
82015 Mitsubishi S12A2-Y2MPTK3 New Engine 1 Canada
81902 Mitsubishi S6A2 Runner 1 Canada
81903 Mitsubishi S6A3-Y2MPTK-3 Runner 1 Canada
72688 Mitsubishi L2C Reconditioned 2 Net herlands
80032 Mitsubishi K3B Runner 3 Poland
82938 Mitsubishi K3E-K3D-K3F Runner 3 Un ited States
66142 Mitsubishi L3A Runner 3 United States
81065 Mitsubishi L3E / L3C Runner 3 United States
81063 Mitsubishi S3L Runner 3 United States
79328 Mitsubishi S3Q2 New Engine 3 United States
22814 Mitsubishi 4-441 New Engine 4 United States
74004 Mitsubishi 4D32 Runner 4 United States
27395 Mitsubishi 4D34-3AT3A Runner 4 Uni ted States
79318 Mitsubishi 4D55-TD New Engine 4 United States
79317 Mitsubishi 4D56 New Engine 4 United States
78088 Mitsubishi 4DR5 New Engine 4 United States
79331 Mitsubishi 4DR5/4DR50 New Engine 4 United States
21571 Mitsubishi 4G32 Remanufactured 4 U nited States
71584 Mitsubishi 4G33 New Engine 4 United States
72715 Mitsubishi 4G54 Remanufactured 4 U nited States
To perform a more detailed search, visit our Find an Engine section top
71583 Mitsubishi 4-G72 New Engine 4 United States
72699 Mitsubishi 4G93 New Engine 4 United States
85340 Mitsubishi 4M50 Runner 4 United States
82187 Mitsubishi 4M50-3AT8 Runner 4 Unit ed States
66546 Mitsubishi 6D22CT New Engine 4 United States
66541 Mitsubishi 6D34-TLE2A New Engine 4 United States
66537 Mitsubishi 84L-Y162KL New Engine 4 United States
22969 Mitsubishi ci-441 New Engine 4 United States
69766 Mitsubishi D04FD-TAA Runner 4 Unit ed Kingdom
79428 Mitsubishi K21 New Engine 4 United States
64944 Mitsubishi MD076673 New Engine 4 United States
64945 Mitsubishi MD133099 New Engine 4 United States
64947 Mitsubishi MD136423 New Engine 4 United States
64949 Mitsubishi MD140544 New Engine 4 United States
64950 Mitsubishi MD178844 New Engine 4 United States
64951 Mitsubishi MD314491 New Engine 4 United States
64952 Mitsubishi MD332390 New Engine 4 United States
64953 Mitsubishi MD335391 New Engine 4 United States
64954 Mitsubishi MD335392 New Engine 4 United States
64955 Mitsubishi MD349149 New Engine 4 United States
To perform a more detailed search, visit our Find an Engine section top
64956 Mitsubishi MD349150 New Engine 4 United States
64957 Mitsubishi MD358972 New Engine 4 United States
64958 Mitsubishi MD367184 New Engine 4 United States
64959 Mitsubishi MD367372 New Engine 4 United States
64960 Mitsubishi MD374433 New Engine 4 United States
80952 Mitsubishi MISC New Engine 4 United States
64961 Mitsubishi MM115913 New Engine 4 United States
64962 Mitsubishi RMD192470 Remanufacture d 4 United States
64963 Mitsubishi RMD192471 Remanufacture d 4 United States
74003 Mitsubishi S4E2 Remanufactured 4 U nited States
72685 Mitsubishi S4L y1t63st Reconditioned 4 Netherlands
79330 Mitsubishi S4Q2 New Engine 4 United States
66545 Mitsubishi S4Q2-Y162KL New Engine 4 United States
79329 Mitsubishi S4S New Engine 4 United States
46808 Mitsubishi S4S Reconditioned 4 Net herlands
79316 Mitsubishi S4SDT New Engine 4 United States
46951 Mitsubishi 5G-2S Core/Good for Parts 5 Netherlands
78938 Mitsubishi Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
78939 Mitsubishi 4D31 Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
78940 Mitsubishi 4D31 Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
To perform a more detailed search, visit our Find an Engine section top
78941 Mitsubishi 4D34 Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
78943 Mitsubishi 4D34-2AT3A Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
78944 Mitsubishi 4D34-2AT3A Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
78942 Mitsubishi 4D34-2AT3A Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
78945 Mitsubishi 4D34-3AT3A Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
78946 Mitsubishi 4D34-3AT3B Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
78948 Mitsubishi 4M50-3AT8 Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
78949 Mitsubishi 4M50-3AT8 Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
78947 Mitsubishi 4M50-3AT8 Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
78950 Mitsubishi 4M50-6AT8 Runner 6 Unit ed States
22972 Mitsubishi 641 New Engine 6 United States
46942 Mitsubishi 6d14 Core/Good for Parts 6 Netherlands
79709 Mitsubishi 6D15 Runner 6 Poland
66548 Mitsubishi 6D152CT-YJ11 New Engine 6 United States
76294 Mitsubishi 6D16 TE2 New Engine 6 Netherlands
79153 Mitsubishi 6D16-T Runner 6 Netherl ands
78423 Mitsubishi 6D22 Reconditioned 6 Ne therlands
84412 Mitsubishi 6D22 Runner 6 Netherlan ds
62308 Mitsubishi 6D22 Runner 6 Netherlan ds
85271 Mitsubishi 6D22 non turbo Runner 6 Netherlands
To perform a more detailed search, visit our Find an Engine section top
76288 Mitsubishi 6D22 NON TURBO Repairable 6 Netherlands
76289 Mitsubishi 6D22 NON TURBO Repairable 6 Netherlands
79387 Mitsubishi 6D22 TC Kobelco applicati Runner 6 Netherlands
85397 Mitsubishi 6D22t Reconditioned 6 N etherlands
76792 Mitsubishi 6D22T Runner 6 Netherla nds
76794 Mitsubishi 6D22TA Runner 6 Netherl ands
85516 Mitsubishi 6D22TC Runner 6 Sweden
79776 Mitsubishi 6D31 Runner 6 Poland
78951 Mitsubishi 6D34-1AT2 Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
83705 Mitsubishi 6D34T Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
83711 Mitsubishi 6D34T Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
83713 Mitsubishi 6D34T Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
83721 Mitsubishi 6D34T Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
83722 Mitsubishi 6D34T Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
46941 Mitsubishi 6DB10 Core/Good for Parts 6 Netherlands
22815 Mitsubishi 6ds-70p New Engine 6 United States
22974 Mitsubishi ci655 New Engine 6 United States
78952 Mitsubishi H4N-E Core/Good for Parts 6 United States
80936 Mitsubishi MISC Runner 6 United States
80937 Mitsubishi MISC Runner 6 United States
To perform a more detailed search, visit our Find an Engine section top

Listing ID Engine Make Model Number Condition Cyls Country
46949 Mitsubishi S6A2 Core/Good for Parts 6 Netherlands
84414 Mitsubishi S6A3 MPTK Runner 6 Netherlands
46939 Mitsubishi S6b1 Core/Good for Parts 6
آدرس:تهران. خیابان قزوین سه راه آذری پاساژ بنز آذری پلاک19

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تلفن :  منقضی شده
منطقه :  استان تهران
آدرس :  استان تهران - تهران
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در مورد: قطعات دیزل ژنراتورمیتسوبیشی پیشرو یدک
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