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?Are we allowed to stimulating broilers for eating

?Are we allowed to stimulating broilers for eating
Experience tell us: "NO"
It's an important question which all of poultry producers in Iran and abroad regions answer: "YES"
Here we are determined to consider several shortages and possible virtues of This program.
For start we ask ourselves: "If bird will take his feed without any stimulatuing or not "?
The positive answer is:" of course,yes"
If we provide all the requires he need ,surely he will eat his feed with great eagerness.
We should prevent bird from overeating or more gluttony.
If we make bird to eat by stimulating or forcing surely the bird will have high level of stress.
Just like as you have a deep and pleasant dream, someone awakens you by force and make you to eat, in this case you feel it's not a delicious food,but a bitter drug;you will not relish of food,because this kind of awakening will cause stress,being amazed, stoping digestion and absorption of food.
Now if this kind of stimulating is repeated from time to time ,the bird will take his feed several times again, though he;s full.
So you have caused harms , troubles which will be appeared due to your forcing for eating
It's evident the range of feed conversion ratio (FCR) will be increased.
By the other word ,idiomatically "WE HAVE MADE HIS FEED BITTER",or "WE HAVE Diaspointed him"
This high stress has a negative affect on his mental state, that even in hungry mood,he has no willing to eat.
Just like a baby who is hungry so much, but he is in sulks and refuses to eat his food.
What are troubles which cause birds to be inappetent?
Why we use wrongly the power of forcing for eating?
Birds have no willing to eat for many several reasons:
It's a fact that couldn't be succeed to provide acceptable and pleasant condition for birds.
In our poultry house,managements and conditions are not suitable for taking feed.
It's natural if birds have no willing or appetent for eating.
Meanwhile in many high level and advanced poultry farm (house) in the world, there are not standard and acceptable methods and conditions.
There are not at all pleasant and peaceful for birds.These are the main factors for in appetent of birds,such as: environmental situation, several aspects of management,standard and accurate inspection,prepare equipments,and so on.
We have inspected all of bird's indispensible needs in a highly more accurate method.
There is not at all any physical or chemical forcing or stimulating in our systems ,the statistics of methabolism is reached maximum, the level of (FCR) will be lower than the world averages;Besides the speed of growth and the health of birds is too higher than the world's standards.

تلفن :  منقضی شده
منطقه :  سمنان
آدرس :  no 58-Faridnia str-Shahrud-IRAN
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در مورد: ?Are we allowed to stimulating broilers for eating
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