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Batch off Cooler

Batch off Cooler

This is the downstream auxiliary to the banbury mixer or the dispersion kneader.It works with the mixing mill and is designed to perform continuous operations of rubber slab conveying, coating separant, air cooling, drying, cutting and wig-wag stacking.

1.The operations of separate applying, air cooling, drying, cutting and wig-wag stacking are performed in a single machine, forming continuous production at high efficiency.
2.Rubber slabs are soaked thus applied with the separant so that the coating is even without pollution to the environment.
3.A long tim is set for air cooling of rubber slabs so that the cooling effect is good.
4.Slabs can be cut to length during operation and the length is adjustable.
5.Use of PLC control and the frequency-control speed regulatioin makes it possible to control the whole process


[email protected]
[email protected]

تلفن :  منقضی شده
منطقه :  تهران
آدرس :  شهر جدید اندیشه فاز 3 شهرک صدف مجتمع زیتون طبقه دوم واحد 7
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در مورد: Batch off Cooler
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کلمات کلیدی :
cooler batch off