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آگهی های جدید

Do you Know if you give your birds whatever they want, they will actually give you what you want too……

Do you Know if you give your birds whatever they want, they will actually give you what you want too……
Do you care what your birds need?
Do you care what your birds never need?
If it's so , obviously you will have a profitable and successful business and job.Because above mentioned points are fundamental of poultry industry.
Have your birds comfort and peace feeling in your poultry farm?
Do they enjoy from living in your houses?
Have you minded if your poultry building,stablishment, equipments and all of it's managing segments are choosen in harmony with physical,biological and mental health of your birds?or not ?
Is the air conditioning of your saloons(house) according with your bird's needs?
Have you adjusted lighting systems of your saloons based on bird's needs?
Is the air conditioning(heating& cooling)system enjoyable for your birds?
Is the humidity system (moisturizing tools) based on needs of your birds?
Are your birds satisfied of watering and feed pan systems?
Do you aware of casualties scope of your poultry houses?
Why you think wrongly that your crisis and troubles will not be ended at all?
Most of poultry producers think just as these crisis & troubles are inseparable part of this industry!
While , it's not so at all!
If you are observed and operated all above points,we assure you,all of said troubles and losses will be stopped.
It's no matter if you use closed circuit or opened one ,Do you think all of your worriness and problems will put an end by one of these circuit system ?
Of course "NOT AT ALL"
Have you examined and inspected why your birds mostly have one or many diseases.
Why they already gathered nearby the walls?And you can not separate them to other points?
If is it possible to stop these main problems?
Will be ended mortalities in poult houses?
Is there any need to forcing or stimulating bird's for eating their food?
Does it come day when your bird's injures and diseases are stopped?
If you confere with any troubles and problems in your poultry houses,Be sure you have neglected one of above suggestions!?
Dear producer!Have you a powerful and confident consulting experts for your own poultry houses!Or if you recognize problems by yourself!?
How range is accumulation of yourt birds?
Do you aware of it's standard level?
Does differ the average weight of birds in different places of your saloons, or not?
What have you executed actually for controlling the stress of birds?
Do you know all the problems are mostly originated from "STRESS"
Briefly, Does the bird feel conforting in your poultry saloons?Does he eat feed in a good manner?
Is the quality of meat and egg produced in a good level?
Are you pleased of total price of egg and meat?
Have your birds a prepare growth rate?
Do you know , it's fundamentally necessary for you to have a consuller?
Has you found what's the main difficulty?
Who is really capable to solve your main difficulties?
Do you know whatever your saloons ,buildings…….are larger,so consequently the total price of building,equipments and finally poult-meat will be highly affected.
Now more again, if all suggested points are correctly and accurately designed,executed and managed,so we assure your mortalities and all kind of risk is reached to minimum ,so your job will be highly profitable and lucrative one.
Besides, your produced egg and poult –meat is higher standard than the latest and newest ideals of the world.
Here by,we inform that all of above mentioned suggestions are correctly designed,operated and managed in our consulting packages.
We have executed all of before points by supporting of our powerful inventions.
Finally we confidently assure you that rate and speed of growth, feed conversion ratio(FCR), total price of poult- meat and eggs are in higher levels than newest technologies all around the world.

تلفن :  منقضی شده
منطقه :  سمنان
آدرس :  no 58-Faridnia str-Shahrud-IRAN
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در مورد: Do you Know if you give your birds whatever they want, they will actually give you what you want too……
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