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آگهی های جدید

چرخ گوشت عرشیا MG 106-1411

Technical Spec

Powerful 2400 Watts

- Electronically regulated motor with display indicating operating time and motor temperature.

- 30 minutes maximum operating time to protect the long lasting of the motor.

- Illuminated sensor control panel.

- On/off switch and reverse function.

- Feed pan and grinding discs made of stainless steel.

- Screw ring, worm housing and worm made of cast metal.

- Accessories: 3 grinding discs (diameter 61mm) with holes 3mm, 4.8mm 8mm, kebbe attachment for oriental cuisine,

sausage filling attachment and cookie attachment and Vegetable Slicer.

- Available in White and Black Colors

تلفن :  منقضی شده
منطقه :  كردستان
آدرس :  بانه
تماس با آگهی دهنده ()
در مورد: چرخ گوشت عرشیا MG 106-1411
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