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فروش ترانسدیوسر TM-3IL30 IME

فروش ترانسدیوسر TM-3IL30 IME

لينك سايت اين آگهي

قیمت : تماس بگیرید

Extra price d.c. auxiliary supply and 48Va.c. • •

Extra price response time <_ 50ms •


7.04 overall dimensions page 12

Model Tema fP

Codes TM8P...

Ordering codes see page: 11

Programmable measuring apparent-reactive-active power, power factor,

phase angle, average power, frequency

Line programmable balanced/unbalanced load, 3/4 wire single-three phase

Measuring type, wave form true R.M.S., distorted sinusoidal

A.C. auxiliary supply 115 - 230 - 240Va.c.

D.C. auxiliary supply 20...150 -150...250Vd.c.

Current analogue output 0...5/10/20 - 4...20 - ± 5/10/20mA able

Voltage analogue output 0...10 - ±10 - 1...5V able

Output range setting 1 fully programmable measuring coupled with analogue output

Display all measuring made on LCD display in different pages at manual scrolling

Response time <_ 300ms - <_ 100ms (option)

Accuracy 0,5 (power) - 1 (cos

تلفن :  منقضی شده
منطقه :  تهران
آدرس : 
تماس با آگهی دهنده ()
در مورد: فروش ترانسدیوسر TM-3IL30 IME
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